
Infant Program

Our infant curriculum creates a solid foundation for your little ones future growth and development. By creating strong bonds, learning through play and stimulating their five senses, even our youngest students are encouraged to explore the world around them in a safe and nurturing environment.

Fine Motor: Infants develop their fine motor skills by clapping their hands to music, picking up finger foods, and holding onto their favorite toys to build hand and finger dexterity along with hand-eye coordination. 

Language: From hearing to processing sounds to palate development, language skills flourish by expressing wants and needs, repetition, and the use of American Sign Language. This reduces pre-verbal frustration by closing the gap between their desire and ability to communicate while having their needs understood.

Movement in Space: When babies are rolling around, cruising along, and taking first steps, they are getting stronger and stronger from head to toe, and it shows!

Social & Emotional: Each smile, embrace and encouraging word builds trust and helps children to thrive in social settings, which sets them up for healthy relationships. 

Cognitive: Stimulating brain function, infants are invited to become investigators and cheer on their discoveries, which builds skills such as object permanence and rationalization.

Toddler Program

Our toddler curriculum builds autonomy through the exploration of math, science, problem solving, vocabulary and the arts. The toddler classrooms feature center-based learning created to build upon the skills each child acquires, at the various ages of development. Learning areas are filled with fun and age-appropriate puzzles, manipulative, games and toys. Your child will be learning through play, but beyond all the fun and games, you'll find:

Creative Arts & Music: Music, repetition, and movement are infused into group time and transitions. Creative arts are explored through textures, design and, of course, your child's imagination!

Physical & Well-being: By walking and running, toddlers are gaining control over small and large muscles, fine-tuning their movements, and carving out their very own paths.


Language & Literacy: Muscle control and cognitive advancements make way for very interesting conversations, which we relish and encourage, as toddlers express their thoughts and needs.

Mathematics & Science: Teachers utilize counting, patterning, and matching colors and shapes, providing an early foundation for science and math.


Social & Emotional: Independence really shines through as toddlers choose friends and delight in pleasing adults. Positive reinforcement encourages good behavior and creates enjoyable learning experiences.


Cognitive: Cognitive progression in toddlers means less "trial and error" and more deliberate actions as well as a longer attention span and a preference for particular people, places and things.

Preschool Program

Through teacher guided instruction and child-led exploration, Kindergarten readiness is fostered. Early Learning Prep balances focus on effective communication, the ability to follow instruction, and how to work cooperatively with peers. By embracing every moment as an opportunity to learn, all developmental areas are met, unlocking every child's potential.

Creative Arts & Music: Together, we explore tempos and rhythms, sing in groups, learn about instruments of all kinds and create beautiful artwork, thanks to increasing hand-eye coordination. 

Physical & Well-Being: Learning to live a healthy, active life begins in the preschool years. Large motor activities along with small muscle strength are both necessary for building fine-motor skills and healthy bodies. They're developing large motor skills for sports and dance, and fine motor skills for writing and playing music.

Language & Literacy: The preschool years are critical for language, literacy and a love of reading. Together with fostering verbal communication, reading and writing continue to develop through creative journalism and a classroom filled with labeled items expanding their vocabulary and sight word knowledge.

Social & Emotional: Children are building confidence and self-esteem by choosing playtime partners, forming close bonds, and taking care of personal needs all by themselves.


Cognitive: The development of reasoning skills allow preschool children to create innovative solutions as well as the ability to persist in solving difficult problems. It's all about the individual as we learn through a variety of themes and styles, so every child progresses naturally and without frustration.